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Assemblages of Violence in Education: Everyday Trajectories of Oppression

Assemblages of Violence in Education: Everyday Trajectories of Oppression
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Assemblages of Violence in Education: Everyday Trajectories of Oppression


1st Edition 

by Boni Wozolek (Author) 

Assemblages of Violence: Everyday Trajectories of Oppression brings together fields including new materialisms, anthropology, curriculum theory, and educational foundations to examine how violence is intertwined with everyday events and ideas. Artfully weaving participant narratives in two contexts that exist a literal world apart―queer middle school youth of color in an urban context and Indian women who have survived domestic violence―Assemblages of Violence conceptualizes how social justice functions in opposition to normalized aggressions. Often overlooked, these deeply significant connections document how multiplicities of aggression operate as business-as-usual in a variety of spaces and places, including those that are often thought of as helpful. To these ends, this book introduces pathologies to theoretically and methodologically trace affects in order to more clearly perceive both where and how violence is embedded in and between sociopolitical and cultural ways of being, knowing, and doing. In so doing, Assemblages of Violence argues that pathologizing trajectories of violence can provide theoretical and methodological tools for those seeking to engage in a pedagogy of equity, access, and care to help people and communities in ways they wish to be helped.

5 MB
0367409801, 0367688972
978-0367409807, 978-0367688974