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Beginner’s Guide to Instructional Design: Identify and Examine Learning Needs, Knowledge Delivery Methods, and Approaches to Design Learning Material

Beginner’s Guide to Instructional Design: Identify and Examine Learning Needs, Knowledge Delivery Methods, and Approaches to Design Learning Material
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Beginner’s Guide to Instructional Design: Identify and Examine Learning Needs, Knowledge Delivery Methods, and Approaches to Design Learning Material


by Purnima Valiathan

Applying instructional design principles to serve content just right!

Key Features

● Covers concepts and methodologies for determining the learning objectives, study content, and the mode of delivery.

● Exclusive coverage of best practices for designing education and workplace training material.

● Includes strategies for designing and delivering online and classroom learning content.


This  book aims to give instructional designers a better understanding of how  learning science can be used in their work. Four real-world case  studies illustrate educational needs and the associated solution,  bridging theory and practice. Professionals can use the book's templates  and formats to create job aids, virtual training, and online learning  storyboards.

The prominent ADDIE methodology  for instructional material development is used throughout the book. The  ADDIE model's phases are taught and demonstrated using a variety of  real-world scenarios. Gagne's Events of Instruction, Kolb's Experiential  Model, and Merrill's Principles of Learning are just a few of the  foundational frameworks thoroughly presented with the examples. This  book provides examples to show assessment strategies for verifying  declarative knowledge and assessment tools for evaluating procedural  knowledge. Information about authoring tools,LMSs and LXPs are also  covered.

What you will learn

● Create synchronous and asynchronous online learning resources.

● Acquire familiarity with authoring tools and learning management systems.

● Conduct a job analysis to identify skill development and workplace learning opportunities.

● Examine the audience profile for educational, professional, and performance objectives.

● Assemble lesson plans for online training sessions.

Who this book is for

This  book is intended for traditional educators, academics, corporate  trainers, and instructional designers who wish to improve their  knowledge of modern teaching techniques and give their audience a  methodical and dynamic learning experience. The book is accessible to  everybody, making no assumptions about the reader's past knowledge.

Table of Contents

1.Understanding Instructional Design

2. Analyzing Learning Needs

3. Designing the Outline

4. Defining learning outcomes

5. Designing Instructional Material

6. Developing Instructional Material

7. Delivery Strategies

8. Assessment Strategies

9. Case Studies

EPUB, MOBI, Converted PDF
13 MB
978-9355510778, 9789355510778