(IEEE Press Series on Electromagnetic Wave Theory) 1st Edition
by Ismo V. Lindell (Author), Ari Sihvola (Author)
A comprehensive survey of
boundary conditions as applied in antenna and microwave engineering,
material physics, optics, and general electromagnetics research.
conditions are essential for determining electromagnetic problems.
Working with engineering problems, they provide analytic assistance in
mathematical handling of electromagnetic structures, and offer synthetic
help for designing new electromagnetic structures. Boundary Conditions in Electromagnetics describes
the most-general boundary conditions restricted by linearity and
locality, and analyzes basic plane-wave reflection and matching problems
associated to a planar boundary in a simple-isotropic medium.
comprehensive text first introduces known special cases of particular
familiar forms of boundary conditions ― perfect electromagnetic
conductor, impedance, and DB boundaries ― and then examines various
general forms of boundary conditions. Subsequent chapters discuss
sesquilinear boundary conditions and practical computations on wave
scattering by objects defined by various boundary conditions. The
practical applications of less-common boundary conditions, such as for
metamaterial and metasurface engineering, are referred to throughout the
text. This book:
- Describes the mathematical analysis of fields associated to given boundary conditions
- Provides examples of how boundary conditions affect the scattering properties of a particle
- Contains ample in-chapter exercises and solutions, complete references, and a detailed index
- Includes appendices containing electromagnetic formulas, Gibbsian 3D dyadics, and four-dimensional formalism
Boundary Conditions in Electromagnetics is
an authoritative text for electrical engineers and physicists working
in electromagnetics research, graduate or post-graduate students
studying electromagnetics, and advanced readers interested in
electromagnetic theory.