(Networked Urban Mobilities Series) 1st Edition
by Luca Nitschke (Author)
book investigates how practices of community carsharing are influencing
everyday mobility. It argues that hegemonic practices of automobility
are reconfigured through practices of community carsharing, thereby
challenging capitalist mobilities in the realm of everyday life.
a detailed empirical study of practices of community carsharing and its
practitioners in the rural regions around Munich, Germany, this book
reveals how the practice contributes to the emergence of alternative
automobile practices, meanings, identities and subjectivities. It also
explores the embedding of automobility into its ecological context, the
connection of function and community in practices of community
carsharing and the changing of ownership relations through a process of
commoning mobility. This reconfiguration of everyday practices of
automobility takes place through processes of everyday resistance,
re-embedding and commoning, and ultimately results in the emergence of
an alternative mobility culture, thereby facilitating the dissemination
of an alternative common sense of community carsharing.
book on community carsharing provides a valuable insight into
carsharing in rural settings and exemplifies how carsharing
specifically, and sharing mobilities in general, can contribute to a
social–ecological mobility transition. The work will be of particular
interest to scholars and practitioners working in mobility studies and