1st Edition
by Jaan S. Islam (Author), M. R. Islam (Author), Meltem Islam (Author), M. A. H. Mughal (Author)
Every year, as soon as reports on
global economic inequality remind us about the direction our
civilization is heading, there is a hysterical reaction, but hysteria
dies down within weeks and we go back to the lifestyle that brought us
here today. Often the blame is laid on the Millennial generation for
their “apathy,” “lust for comfort,” and “bratty” attitude. Yet, business
insider surveys indicate it’s the same Millennial generation that
overwhelmingly cares for the state of the world and the direction in
which our civilization is heading. Nearly 50% of them ranked climate
change and destruction of nature as their primary concern. This is
followed by concern for war and global conflict, and then global
economic inequality. The vast majority of those surveyed are willing and
eager to make lifestyle changes. This book breaks open the hypocrisy of
our civilization and stops the blame game in its tracks and identifies
the root causes of today’s world economy, ecology, and global politics.
book demonstrates that changes in lifestyle are necessary but not
sufficient. No economic policy or technology development mode has a
chance to survive, let alone thrive unless supported by the political
establishment. In this process, the government plays a pivotal role. The
challenge is to change the attitude of the government from a
‘self-serving’ controlling mode to a representative philanthropic mode.
This new system of economic development and political governance is
inspired by a long-forgotten understanding of political economics:
medieval Islamic economics. In reviewing the history of economics from
trade, currencies, and interest, the strengths and weaknesses of various
economic developments over our centuries are evaluated. Based on the
historical analysis, a step by step procedure is outlined for this
fundamental change in our society today. As a whole, this book is the
first of modern era to offer such a comprehensive analysis, complete
with solutions to the entire crisis of today’s civilization.
for the student, engineer in the field, economist, or even layperson
interested in the subject, this groundbreaking new work is a must-have.
Covering one of the most important subjects in our world today, it is a
valiant attempt at solving one of the biggest problems facing all of