Dak Kopec
How does a room affect an occupant's
behavior and well-being? How does a building influence its residents'
health? Environmental Psychology for Design, 4th Edition, explores
these questions with an in-depth look at psychosocial responses to the
built environment. Awarded the 2006 ASID Joel Polsky Prize, the first
edition served as an introduction to the discipline of environmental
psychology and inspired readers to embrace its key concepts and
incorporate them into their practice. This 4th edition continues to
analyze the interaction between environments and human behavior and
well-being, while exploring how individual differences related to age,
gender, and cultural background impact that interaction. More
discussions on logic formation and argumentation and how these ideas
pertain to biological, psychological and sociological paradigms of
thought have been incorporated. Additionally, chapters have been
rearranged to allow for better content flow, and the emphasis will
shift from person specific chapters to be place specific (i.e., schools
for youth, long-term care facilities, and more). Ethical Consideration
and Pandemic Ponderings box features are included throughout. New to
this Edition -Chapters have been reorganized to be more
location-centric (ie: schools, long-term care facilities, etc) -Ethical
Consideration and Pandemic Ponderings box features included for
further discussion of timely topics.