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Financial Accounting for Decision Makers 3rd Edition

 Financial Accounting for Decision Makers 3rd Edition
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Financial Accounting for Decision Makers 3rd Edition

English | 2023 | Scanned PDF | 55 MB | 646 Page

Mark DeFond, 1618534432, 9781618534439, 978-1618534439

Welcome  to Financial Accounting for Decision Makers 3e by Mark DeFond. It is  difficult to imagine being successful in today’s business world without  having a solid understanding of how to read and understand financial  accounting reports. The overarching objective of this text is to prepare  students for careers in business by providing them with a solid  foundation in financial accounting and reporting without overloading  them with the mechanics and procedures more appropriate for future  accountants. This book makes extensive use of real-world companies to  help students understand how to use accounting information. To further  aid student success in the course, we provide a wealth of resources  through our online learning and homework system, myBusinessCourse (MBC).  Access to MBC is included for free with the purchase of each new copy  of the text and can be purchased separately. (For more information on  MBC see page x of the preface.) Target Audience Financial Accounting for  Decision Makers is an ideal text for use in the first financial  accounting course at both the undergraduate and the graduate level. With  a strong emphasis on the interpretation of real-world financial  statements, the book teaches students how to read, analyze, and  interpret financial accounting data to make informed business decisions  without using the traditional debit/credit paradigm. The book is filled  with examples that use financial reports from actual companies, an  approach that students find engaging.