English | 2024 | EPUB, Converted PDF | 20 MB
by Timothy Doupnik, Mark Finn, Giorgio Gotti
The 6th edition provides an overview of the broadly defined area of
international accounting. It focuses on the accounting issues related
to international business activities and foreign operations and
provides substantial coverage of the IASB and IFRS. Its unique benefits
include up-to-date coverage of relevant material; extensive numerical
examples; two chapters devoted to the application of IFRS; and coverage
of nontraditional but important topics such as management accounting
issues in multinational companies, international corporate governance,
and corporate social reporting. Distinguishing features include
excerpts from recent annual reports to demonstrate differences in
financial reporting practices across countries and financial reporting
issues especially relevant for multinational corporations. Available
with Connect with SmartBook and End-of-chapter assignments help
students develop their analytical, communication, and research skills.
ISBNs: 1266203893, 1266386270, 9781266386275, 9781266203893, 9781264556991, 9781266378119, 9781266387562, 9781266389047, 9781266344923, 978-1266386275, 978-1266203893, 978-1264556991, 978-1266378119, 978-1266387562, 978-1266389047, 978-1266344923