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Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 1 & 2

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 1 & 2 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 1 & 2 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 1 & 2
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Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 1 & 2


1st Edition 

by Ibrahima Sakho (Author) 

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 1: Thermal Radiation and Experimental Facts Regarding the Quantization of Matter 

The conception of lasers and optoelectronic devices such as solar cells have been made possible, thanks to the modern day mastery of processes that harness the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. This first volume is dedicated to thermal radiation and experimental facts that reveal the quantification of matter. The study of black body radiation allows the introduction of fundamental precepts such as Planck's law and the energy-related qualities that characterize radiation. The properties of light and wave–particle duality are also examined, based on the interpretation of light interferences, the photoelectric effect and the Compton effect. This book goes on to investigate the hydrogen atomic emission spectrum and how it dovetails into our understanding of quantum numbers to describe the energy, angular momentum, magnetic moment and spin of an electron. A look at the spectroscopic notation of the states explains the different wavelengths measured from the splitting of spectral lines. Finally, this first volume is completed by the study of de Broglie's wave theory and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, which facilitated the advancement of quantum mechanics.

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 2: Wave-Corpuscle, Quantization and Schrodinger's Equation

Quantum mechanics is the foundation of modern technology, due to its innumerable applications in physics, chemistry and even biology.

This second volume studies Schrödinger's equation and its applications in the study of wells, steps and potential barriers. It examines the properties of orthonormal bases in the space of square-summable wave functions and Dirac notations in the space of states.

This book has a special focus on the notions of the linear operators, the Hermitian operators, observables, Hermitian conjugation, commutators and the representation of kets, bras and operators in the space of states. The eigenvalue equation, the characteristic equation and the evolution equation of the mean value of an observable are introduced. The book goes on to investigate the study of conservative systems through the time evolution operator and Ehrenfest's theorem.

Finally, this second volume is completed by the introduction of the notions of quantum wire, quantum wells of semiconductor materials and quantum dots in the appendices.

2019, 2020
336, 296
7 MB, 4 MB
1786304872, 1786305011
978-1786304872, 978-1786305015

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