1st Edition
by Evgenii Krouk (Editor), Sergei Semenov (Editor)
The high level of technical detail included in standards specifications can make it difficult to find the correlation between the standard specifications and the theoretical results. This book aims to cover both of these elements to give accessible information and support to readers. It explains the current and future trends on communication theory and shows how these developments are implemented in contemporary wireless communication standards.
Examining modulation,
coding and multiple access techniques, the book is divided into two
major sections to cover these functions. The two-stage approach first
treats the basics of modulation and coding theory before highlighting
how these concepts are defined and implemented in modern wireless
communication systems. Part 1 is devoted to the presentation of main L1
procedures and methods including modulation, coding, channel
equalization and multiple access techniques. In Part 2, the uses of
these procedures and methods in the wide range of wireless communication
standards including WLAN, WiMax, WCDMA, HSPA, LTE and cdma2000 are
- An essential study of the implementation of modulation and coding techniques in modern standards of wireless communication
- Bridges the gap between the modulation coding theory and the wireless communications standards material
- Divided
into two parts to systematically tackle the topic - the first part
develops techniques which are then applied and tailored to real world
systems in the second part
- Covers special aspects of coding
theory and how these can be effectively applied to improve the
performance of wireless communications systems