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Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Techniques: Controversies and Evidence

Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Techniques: Controversies and Evidence
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Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Techniques: Controversies and Evidence

English | 2025 | PDF | 18 MB | 370 Pages

Aria Fallah, 9780323959810, 978-0323959810, 978-0-323-95981-0, B0DNRG3471, 0323959822, 0323959814, 9780323959827, 978-0323959827

Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Techniques: Controversies and Evidence provides a roadmap for clinicians in addressing difficult decision-making by succinctly summarizing the evidence for surgical treatments in pediatric drug-resistant epilepsy. With the field of pediatric epilepsy surgery having expanded significantly over the last 10 years, combined with high variability in practice and several emerging technologies with expanding evidence, this volume addresses several dichotomies in decision-making, both in terms of surgical modalities as well as surgical techniques. Chapters compare DBS, VNS/RNS, resection and other modalities, as well as surgical methods, including vertical vs. lateral hemispherectomy, robotic-guided surgery, and laser vs. resection.
With recent approval and application of several medical advances in epilepsy surgery over the last five years, this book provides readers the scientific literature and daily practice content they need for an evidence-based approach for surgical care.

- Discusses state-of-the-art technology in the surgical treatment of pediatric drug-resistant epilepsy
- Provides an up-to-date overview of current controversies, competing approaches, and their relative evidence, indications, advantages, and disadvantages for pediatric epilepsy surgery
- Outlines evidence-based recommendations to guide decision-making in pediatric epilepsy surgery