by DR. AMY SMITH (Author)
THE SECRETS TO GETTING YOU AND YOUR KIDS IN THE RIGHT THINKING REALM WITH POWERFUL MINDSET TO ACHIEVING GREATNESS Positive thinking is simply the polar opposite of negative thinking. When you are happy or have accomplished something you have wanted to do for a long time, positive thinking may occur in your mind. It's a little voice in your head (the one reading these words) that can put us in a more positive frame of mind as we go about our daily lives. Positive thinking can also evolve into a mindset, which is the next step up from simply thinking positive thoughts from time to time. The majority of your thoughts will be positive if you have a Positive Mind Set. Again, for some people, the opposite may be true, but anyone can reprogram their mind to counteract negative thoughts and a negative mindset by following proven steps, tools, and practice. Do you want your effort of raising kіdѕ to be rewarding and help your kids having positive thoughts at all times? Were you searching for books that could guide you through raising your kids to have strong positive thoughts? Are you willing to stay strong and positive in every situation you find yourself? If you answer is an emphatic YES, you have the perfect information here. Lucky you... Strong emotional bonds help adults and children learn how to manage their own feelings and behaviors, as well as develop self-confidence. This POSITIVE THINKING GUIDE FOR PARENTS AND KIDS is the perfect book to help equip you with the right knowledge to build the right mindset. Whether married or single, with or without kids, young or old, beginners or seniors, this guide is written with easy flow of words for everyone to perfectly follow and understand.