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Standard Letters for Building Contractors

Standard Letters for Building Contractors
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Standard Letters for Building Contractors


4th Edition

by David Chappell

Whenever a contractor undertakes work using one of the standard building contracts, however small the job, writing a good many letters will be involved. Some will be formal notices it is necessary to give; others will be letters it is prudent to send.

This book provides a set of over 300 standard letters for use with the standard forms of building contract and sub-contract and aims to cover all the common situations which contractors will encounter when involved in a contract. It has been substantially revised to take account of the 2005 suite of JCT contracts, together with changes in case law and the 2007 CDM Regulations.

The letters are for use with the following contracts:

  • JCT Standard Building Contract (SBC),
  • JCT Intermediate Building Contract (IC) and 'with contractor's design' (ICD),
  • JCT Minor Works Building Contract (MW) and 'with contractor's design' (MWD),
  • JCT Design and Build Contract (DB),
  • JCT Standard Building Sub-Contract Conditions (SBCSub/C) and 'with sub-contractor's design' (SBCSub/D/C),
  • JCT Intermediate Named Sub-Contract Conditions (ICSub/NAM/C),
  • JCT Intermediate Sub-Contract Conditions (ICSub/C) and 'with sub-contractor's design' (ICSub/D/C), and
  • JCT Design and Build Sub-Contract Conditions (DBSub/C).

There are also letters for use with GC/Works/1 and its subcontract.

1 MB
1405177896, 1444305867
9781405177894, 9781444305869, 978-1405177894, 978-1444305869, 978-1-4051-7789-4