English | 2023 | PDF | 13 MB | 273 Pages
Ya Gu, Chuanjiang Li, 9780323917681, 978-0323917681, 978-0-323-91768-1, B0BZVGDFG4, 0323972128, 0323917682, 9780323972123, 978-0323972123
State Space Systems with Time-Delays
Analysis, Identification and Applications covers the modeling,
identification and control of industrial applications, including system
identification, parameter estimation, dynamic simulation, nonlinear
control, and other emerging techniques. The book introduces basic
time-delay systems, architectures and control methods. Emphasis is
placed on the mathematical analysis of these systems, identifying them,
and applying them to practical engineering problems such as three
independent water tank systems and distillation systems. This book
contains a wide range of time-delay system identification methods that
can help readers master the system controllers' design methods.
- Presents the basic concepts of time delay systems stability analysis and classical time delay system identification methods
- Discusses the stability analysis of complex time delay systems
- Presents the identification of uncertain and unknown time delay systems
- Provides examples of industrial application