1st Edition
by Vipin Tyagi (Author)
This book introduces the
fundamental concepts of modern digital image processing. It aims to help
the students, scientists, and practitioners to understand the concepts
through clear explanations, illustrations and examples. The discussion
of the general concepts is supplemented with examples from applications
and ready-to-use implementations of concepts in MATLAB®. Program code of
some important concepts in programming language 'C' is provided.
explain the concepts, MATLAB® functions are used throughout the book.
MATLAB® Version 9.3 (R2017b), Image Acquisition Toolbox Version 5.3
(R2017b), Image Processing Toolbox, Version 10.1 (R2017b) have been used
to create the book material.
Meant for students and
practicing engineers, this book provides a clear, comprehensive and
up-to-date introduction to Digital Image Processing in a pragmatic