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Worlds Together, Worlds Apart, Volume 2: From 1000 CE to the Present: With Sources, 6th Edition

 Worlds Together, Worlds Apart, Volume 2: From 1000 CE to the Present: With Sources, 6th Edition
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Worlds Together, Worlds Apart, Volume 2: From 1000 CE to the Present: With Sources, 6th Edition

English | 2021 | EPUB, Converted PDF | 180 MB

Jeremy Adelman, Stephen Aron, Robert L. Tignor, 0393422984, 0393532070, 9780393422986, 978-0393422986

A compelling global storytelling approach to world history Worlds Together, Worlds Apart provides a compelling chronological foundation for world history. A global story frames each chapter, making thousands of years of history less daunting for students and instructors. New lead authors and master teachers Jeremy Adelman and Elizabeth Pollard distill cutting-edge scholarship with a focus on introductory students. By supporting students in making comparisons and connections across the narrative, primary sources, images, maps, and in the text and online resources, Worlds Together is global history’s most effective teaching tool.