by Louise Skeen (Author)
Welcome to your 28 Day Body Fit Reset!
You will be exercising a minimum of 5 days per week at a level that will challenge your joints, muscles, and cardiovascular system as you take on regular exercise. You will be doing 2 x strength training sessions per week, two higher intensity cardio workouts, and will walk 2 days per week for at least 30 minutes, at a pace that elevates your heart rate.
If you feel as though you can increase your intensity at any time, then please do so.
Start any day of the week. No need to wait for Monday to come around.
I suggest you print off this sheet and tick off each activity as you complete it.
Make it a habit to drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water every day. Cut your sugar intake from foods and drinks down by 50% to what you are consuming right now. You want to consume no more than 20g of sugar per day.