| Author(s) | Ian Jeffreys |
 | Year | 2019 |
 | Pages | 217 |
 | Language | English
 | Format | PDF |
 | Size | 29 MB
 | Publisher | Human Kinetics |
 | ISBN | 149257127X, 978-1492571278 |
Athletes do not all train
the same way, but it is rare to see any athlete—at any level—exercise or
compete without warming up. Although the warm-up can take many forms,
smart coaches and athletes know that the warm-up should be a part of any
training session.
The Warm-Up is the first book to
describe the science of the warm-up and provide guidelines to maximize
its effectiveness through the process of constructing effective
RAMP-based warm-ups. The RAMP system—Raise, Activate, Mobilize, and Potentiate—looks
at the warm-up not only as preparation for the upcoming session, but
also as tool for athletic development that can cultivate the skills and
movement capacities needed to excel in sport. RAMP has become a standard
warm-up system recommended by the United Kingdom Strength and
Conditioning Association (UKSCA) and is included in professional
resources developed by the National Strength and Conditioning
Association (NSCA).
The Warm-Up provides a library of
activities that can be used to maximize the effectiveness of warm-ups
within the structure of the RAMP system. Coaches and athletes can
incorporate activities to develop warm-ups that directly contribute to
performance, or they can use one of five sample RAMP warm-up programs,
which are appropriate for a variety of sports and athlete training
levels. More than 160 diagrams and photos enhance the text and provide
direction for the drills and exercises, and 17 video clips demonstrate
movement patterns of the Raise phase. Plus, exercise and drill finders
make it easy to find the exercises best suited for specific needs.
It’s time to make the warm-up part of the long-term athlete development plan. The Warm-Up
will help coaches and athletes use the RAMP system to make warm-ups a
more effective part of training that contributes to better performance.
CE exam available! For certified professionals, a companion continuing education exam can be completed after reading this book. The Warm-Up Online CE Exam may be purchased separately or as part of The Warm-Up With CE Exam package that includes both the book and the exam.