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No Fail Physique Transformation for Women: The definitive guide to fat loss, muscle gain and hormonal homeostasis fueled by female biochemistry

No Fail Physique Transformation for Women: The definitive guide to fat loss, muscle gain and hormonal homeostasis fueled by female biochemistry
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No Fail Physique Transformation for Women: The definitive guide to fat loss, muscle gain and hormonal homeostasis fueled by female biochemistry


(No Fail Fat Burning for Women Book 2)

by Michelle Burleson (Author) 

What if everything you've been told about how a woman's body burns fat is wrong?

For any woman, especially over 30, who feels stuck in a fat loss stall or experiences the menopausal midsection belly fat accumulation, this is for you.

Get instant access to biologically appropriate nutrition and training-- SPECIFICALLY FOR A WOMAN'S UNIQUE BIOLOGICAL FINGERPRINT -- without the dangerous diet fad b.s.

  • Don't enjoy exercise? Don't sweat it! Get the nutrition programs that allow you to target adipose (fat) stores without exertion... while enjoying your favorite foods.
  • An easy, and entertaining, masterclass on how a woman's body metabolizes body fat and grows lean muscle at any age--- with step-by-step instruction.
  • Nutrition plans to fit any woman who wants to take her wellbeing, physique and fat loss to unimagined levels.
    Includes free, exclusive access to the Sisters of Strength online tribe for support, tips, recipes, and freebies not available to the general public.
  • This eBook contains recommended foods, serving/portion amounts based on scale weight, shopping lists, and so very much more. It is not, however, a cookbook. Please join the Sisters of Strength via the invite link in the book, for a host of great recipes--- and even add your own!

Here you'll find scientifically proven fat-burning and muscle building nutrition and training protocols for every woman -- from the high performance athlete or physique model to women who just want to look great naked and feel good doing it!

No Fail Physique Transformation for Women has taken me three years of study and research. There's hundreds of pages of fat loss hacks, training/exercise programs and scientifically proven systems to get you shredded, strong and back to health at any age.

  • Peri- and post-menopausal women finally have the way to shed stubborn weight!
  • Athletes can leverage their monthly hormone cycles for a competitive edge while avoiding injury.
  • New moms can make post-partum physique transformation a snap.
  • Bikini and fitness competitors can get shredded and cut in a healthy, safe way
  • Actresses can feel confident and camera ready for action/nude roles
  • Brides to be will be beaming on their big day!
I know these systems work because I've tried them all on myself and my private clients to get them the physique and fitness they desire... fast.

For those wanting more lean muscle I've included training and workout guides worth thousands ... but...

Just promise me something: you'll do it. You have no idea about the power within you. Imagine your highest level and nudge it up a notch. I've researched, tested and written the protocols that will get you there. with consistency and following the simple plans.

Here's to your total physique transformation!
You are not a damsel in distress. Be the hero of your story.

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